We've locked ourselves in our best padded rooms to bring you this week's episode of the FIT File Podcast, from two people as socially distance as you can possibly be!
- Huge spike in people riding indoors
- Is hardware getting hard to find?
- Behind the scenes on sports tech availability
- Strava's new intelligent route planning
- What the heck is SRAM AXS Web?
- Going back to indoor trainer basics
- Zwift Layoffs, what does it really mean?
- DCR 2020 Trainer App Guide!
- Plus mindless chit-chat
Full list of deals: Http://www.dcrainmaker.com/deals
And on social, you'll find us at:
Shane's Twitter: https://twitter.com/gplama
Ray's Twitter: https://twitter.com/dcrainmakerblog
Pretty please with a cherry on top remember to rate this podcast on iTunes and leave a review! It's like giving us a tip in the tip jar, unless it's a penny. In which case...not so much.
Here's what's new in this episode of the FIT File:
- Sea Otter is off...then on...then conflicts?- Pro teams migrate to indoor trainer apps
- What could TrainerRoad do to partner with teams this season?
- And perhaps SufferFets too?
- Strava's "What's Old is New Again" 2020 campaign continues
- Wahoo drops price on BOLT
- Then Wahoo drops a new BOLT!
- Is there actually ebike integration demand?
- Garmin drops price on Edge 1030/130/Varia Radar.
- GoPro Hero 8 charging door test!
Full list of deals: Http://www.dcrainmaker.com/deals
And on social, you'll find us at:
Shane's Twitter: https://twitter.com/gplama
Ray's Twitter: https://twitter.com/dcrainmakerblog
Pretty please with a cherry on top remember to rate this podcast on iTunes and leave a review! It's like giving us a tip in the tip jar, unless it's a penny. In which case...not so much.
It's 101 Dalmatians time! Err...Episode 101. Here's what's new in the world of sports tech:
- Strava App Updates… higher frequency!
- Saris MP1 Reviews from DCR & Lama
- Oreka Review
- Continued Coronavirus fall-out on sports tech/events
- Ray’s new mountain bike
- Whoop testing update
And on social, you'll find us at:
Shane's Twitter: https://twitter.com/gplama
Ray's Twitter: https://twitter.com/dcrainmakerblog
Pretty please with a cherry on top remember to rate this podcast on iTunes and leave a review! It's like giving us a tip in the tip jar, unless it's a penny. In which case...not so much.